Add Your Details
Welcome to ''Disability info South Africa" (DISA). You can easily add your details to our web site Free Of Charge, if you operate a company or organization that provides services for any of the 4 main Disability groups, which include people with:
- Mobility Impairments
- Hearing Impairments,
- Visual Impairments
- Intellectual Impairments
- Assitive Devices
- Sports & Hobbies
- Organizations
- Accessible Features
- Homes, etc.
Besides supplying information about these topics, we have also listed the contact details of the service providers, support organizations & suppliers of disability products who cater for the disabled, in the different provinces & cities in South Africa. These contact details, will be listed, with a link to their web site. If that company does not have a web site, they can choose to pay a small fee of R250.00, & we can supply a 1 page web site, with a brief description of the company, the products & services that they provide, plus their contact details.
This information is listed free of charge, but your company or organization can be made more visible, if you advertise with us. Continue reading below to find out more, or click: "Advertise With Us" . We also except Donations.
You can search for the contact details of the service providers, support organizations & suppliers of disability products, by clicking on one of the appropriate buttons below.