Deaf & Hearing Impairments
The Deaf and Hearing Impairments section on the DiSA website caters for persons who have injuries, conditions or diseases that impairs a person through their hearing. Impairments covered under this section include but are not limited to: Meniere's Disease; Tinnitus (Ringing In the Ear); Hearing Loss and those persons who are Deaf.
This section not only deals with the types of disabilities or impairments that can effect ones hearing which may disadvantage them in society but also the Sports or Hobbies that are available in South Africa through various clubs and organizations, as well as the Service Providers, Organizations, Companies, Products, Educational and Health Care facilities and professionals that are available to assist them.
Below are listed the various categories that are available in this section which includes information about the Organizations, Companies, Products, Services and Service Providers that are available in South Africa, with their contact details and links directly to the products and services that they supply.
The logos of the various companies, clubs and organizations who have advertised with us and supply these services, products and assistance are listed on this page, please click on the buttons below to view more information about these categories, or contact the suppliers of these products or services, or feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions and we will point you in the right direction.