Menu National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) - Disability Info SA

Your Key To Inclusivity

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In August 2021, The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) became the 2nd organisation to come on board and join our Accessible Cities South Africa platform, thereby setting a trend for other organisations to work with us to promote accessibility and inclusivity in South Africa. DiSA would like to congratulate and thank NCPD for joining our "Accessible Cities South Africa (AC - SA) " platform and for becoming an "Access Warrior".NCPD Access Warrior Badge - 2023

NCPD is a valued member of DiSA and is a cross-disability organization which represents the interests of all persons with disabilities in South Africa. NCPD is a NGO with a footprint throughout South Africa that plays a lobbying and advocacy role when it comes to the rights of persons with disabilities. "We're an umbrella body coordinating the advancement of the rights of persons with physical disabilities in accordance with the White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and more. We have nine provincial Associations for Persons with Disabilities with numerous projects and branches that focus on rural development as well as social."

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities does advocacy work and services leading to an equitable and inclusive society. "We are affiliated to the South African Disability Alliance, as well as Rehabilitation International. Our programmes cover the whole of South Africa."

In November 2023, NCPD renewed their Membership with DiSA for the 6th consecutive year and has continued to be an active member, by not only assisting us with various queries that come via our website, but also through their guidance and financial support since joining DiSA in November 2018. Joining our Accessible Cities platform in 2021 and then renewing in 2022 and 2023, NCPD has also shown their commitment to work together as "Access Warriors" to create awareness and inclusive environments for persons with disabilities, removing barriers one step at a time and converting our current environments into Accessible Cities for All."

NCPD and DiSA Partnership

Disability info South Africa (DiSA) was started in 2015 by Alan Downey when he realised that there was still an urgent need for a free information service to assist and support persons with disabilities and their families. Through the support over the years from various organisations, companies and clubs such as NCPD, we have been able to create a link between persons with disabilities and the companies, clubs and organizations that are available to assist them. More recently, DiSA has identified a need to become more than an Information and Support Service but to also provide platforms to help Identify, Address and Remove barriers to an inclusive, accessible South Africa. By creating a link with other reputable like minded companies clubs and organizations, we aim to create a better accessible future for all.

With this in mind, we have approached various current members of DiSA including NCPD who were excited to join us and other Access Warriors in this journey to "Light a way to an Inclusive Society!" With assistance from all Access Warriors who have joined our Accessible Cities South Africa (AC-SA) platform, we aim to become a stronger force working together to help break down barriers, creating a level playing field - to enable all persons with disabilities to be able to participate equally in society.

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) strives to make South Africa a country where persons with disabilities have access to equal opportunities and rights. Over the last few years DiSA have also passed on a number of inquiries onto NCPD including various complaints that we have received through our Yes To Access platform. With the official launch of our Yes To Access platform towards the end of November 2021, we expect to receive a lot more of these inquiries relating to discrimination, which we hope to address, with the help of NCPD and other Access Warriors.

By promoting the services supplied by NCPD below and working with them through our AC-SA platform with other Access Warrior - Service Providers, we aim to ensure that all the pieces of the puzzle are in place to provide a complete Accessible Solution for the benefit of all. Please read the information below to find out more about the services that NCPD can provide and contact them or DiSA through the contact form below, should you require any further information and assistance.

NCPD Services

NCPD offers a variety of Services listed below which assist persons with disabilities to become active members of society. NCPD strives to make South Africa a country where persons with disabilities have access to equal opportunities and rights. "Our goal is to ensure that people with disabilities attain their full rights as citizens through":

  • Advocating and facilitating inclusion, access and economic empowerment
  • Contributing to and influencing Government policies
  • Changing attitudes through sensitization and awareness programs

Please read the information below to find out more about the services that NCPD can provide:

1. Motivational Speakers

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) work with various Motivational Speakers from different backgrounds, contact NCPD on their details below for more information on this, or contact DiSA to put you in touch with someone that can assist you.

2. Disability Insurance or Tax Specialists and Financial Adviser's

Taxpayers have had mixed success in claiming for their expenses, when attempting to do it themselves. The requirements and documentation are very strict and it has become a very specialized field. The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) work with various Tax specialists including Jaco Kruger from Jaco Kruger Disability Tax Specialist. Due to the way they present claims to SARS, they are ensured a very high success rate. "Being a parent of a child with a disability makes this process a lot easier, as this invested interest that I have in our practice, ensures great success." Both NCPD and DiSA urge all taxpayers to make use of this allowable from SARS and to seek the services of a specialist such as Jaco Kruger in terms of claiming for disability costs, to ensure that their claim is maximized. If you are a person with a disability, or you have a child or spouse with a disability, please feel free to contact NCPD on their details below for more information on this, or contact DiSA to put you in touch with someone that can assist you with your Tax Claims.

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3. Disability Awareness Training

Living in an age where information is for the most part a click away for a large part of society, should mean that persons with disabilities enjoy all the same basic rights and services that non-disabled counterparts do, but despite democracy and the information age, persons with disabilities often still find themselves on the side-line when it comes to securing employment or even just having access to enjoy a sports match or theatre production. The need for raising awareness of impairment, disability and related matters is essential to raise the level of awareness about disability related issues through various initiatives. The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) specialise in Raising Awareness of impairment, disability and related matters, which can also be known as Disability Awareness Training. Please click on the link below, or contact NCPD on their details below for more information on this, or contact DiSA to put you in touch with someone that can assist you.

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4. Disability Inclusion Training in the Workplace/Educational Facilities

"Disability Inclusion Training in the Workplace/Educational Facilities", also known as "Workplace Policy and Disability Equity Training", is supplied by the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD). NCPD offers Disability Equality Training courses to address the need for information about the reality of disability. This training is tailor made for every sector, including: Tourism, Tertiary Education, Banking, Mining and more. Through training they will find ways to challenge the organizational behavior which reinforces negative myths and values and which prevents persons with disabilities from gaining equality and achieving full participation in society. Training is done by an expert well trained team of persons with disabilities. Please click on the link below, or contact NCPD on their details below for more information on this, or contact DiSA to put you in touch with someone that can assist you.

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5. Disability Job or Learnership Recruitment Specialists

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) have programs in place that aid persons with disabilities, to find jobs and acquire skills that they may need in the workplace. - "We offer BBBEE advice and services related to persons with disabilities, including: Job placement, Skills development, Preferential procurement, Ownership and supply chain development."

The NCPD is proud to be in a position to offer various SETA accredited training courses ( short course, learnerships and internships) together with corporate partners whom then get their BBBEE POINTS for the DTI scorecard. We also do short training of Professionals in the Services and Health profession, for which these professionals get CPD points.

The courses for architects, and other professionals are not accredited for CPD points. Other training includes Caregiver training for carers of children or adults; Governance training; Fundraising training; Disability Equity training; Reasonable accommodation; Inclusive design; Various impairments and the implications; Drivers of persons with disabilities; Human Rights and advocacy; Assistive device repairs and Transport and driving training. The majority of training sessions can be tailor-made to suit your needs.

Please click on the link below, or contact NCPD on their details below for more information on this, or contact DiSA to put you in touch with someone that can assist you.

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6. Accessible Transport Supplier

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) have vehicles to rent with hand controls and various other larger vehicles where persons can remain in their wheelchairs while in transit. These Accessible Vehicles are available to rent in Jhb and Gauteng area, Natal, Western Cape, Free State, Polokwane ( not entire Limpopo), Upington and Port Elizabeth. Please contact NCPD on their details below for more information on this, or contact DiSA on the details to put you in touch with someone that can assist you.

7. Universal Access Consultant - Qualified and Certified

Persons with disabilities are often excluded from many Events, Services, Information, Communication, Products and Venues, due to all users not considered during the planning phases. The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) can assist to prevent this from happening in the future, by applying Universal Design Principals during the design phase of buildings, parks and sports stadiums. NCPD can also assist with places being adapted to accommodated persons with disabilities, to make sure that they are designed correctly to meet current regulations and standards and are accessible to all persons with disabilities.

Please click on the link below, or contact NCPD on their details below for more information on this, or contact DiSA to put you in touch with someone that can assist you.

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Other Services

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) also provide a variety of other services including:

  • Beach Permits: NCPD are in partnership with the Department of Environmental Services and offer persons with severe physical Mobility Impairments the opportunity to gain access to certain beaches, by obtaining a permit from DEAT. Read More:
  • Motor Vehicle Importation Rebate: NCPD can assist you to apply for a Rebate on a new vehicle that has been imported and has been or will be adapted to suite you and your disability. Read More:
  • Parking Discs: NCPD can also supply information and assist with registering and applying for a Disabled Parking Disk, so that you will be able to park in a Disabled Parking space if you qualify. Read More:
  • Va Va iYouth (Children With Disabilities): Vava iYouth is a project of the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD). As a youth wing of the NCPD, Vava iYouth is aimed at ensuring inclusion and equity for children and young persons with disabilities in South Africa in every facet of their lives and livelihoods. We serve all youth with disabilities irrespective of impairment, race, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or nationality. Read More:
  • Economic Empowerment: We go to certain areas to ascertain if the information we have on-hand is correct and/or to be up-to-date with the current situation in those areas. The same goes for projects but with projects we also need to see how sustainable these projects are and if they need assistance to either stay the course or change the project toward better outcomes for the participants and beneficiaries of these projects. Read More:.

Fund Raising PartnershipsCasual Day 2023

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities organize and run a number of fun raising projects to help raise funds including "Casual Day" and the "Nappy Run": ( Click image on the right to enlarge. )

Casual Day

"Casual Day is South Africa’s leading fundraising and awareness campaign for persons with disabilities and is the flagship project of the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD). Casual Day was launched in 1995 and is an awareness and fundraising campaign benefiting persons with disabilities. Each year on the first Friday of September, South Africans are encouraged to go to work or school dressed differently and to wear the official Casual Day sticker to show their support for persons with disabilities."

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Nappy Run

"Nappy Run: is a 5km Fun Run which takes place at the Joburg Zoo every year coinciding with National Children’s Day, the purpose of the Nappy Run™ campaign is to educate the public on the violation of rights of our country’s most marginalized and vulnerable group of people – children with disabilities and to appeal to the public for online donations which go towards the purchase of nappies for children with disabilities.

The event is organised by the National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) and forms part of the NCPD’s observation of South Africa’s Disability Rights Awareness Month (DRAM) in November. The Nappy Run campaign runs until 3 December to coincide with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), while DRAM also culminates on that same day. For more information about the Nappy Run™ fun run, or to make a donation, visit

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Future Plans & Events

Accessible Cities South Africa (AC - SA)
National Council of & for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD)
NCPD - Casual Day - Courage and Kindness
NCPD - Nappy Run

The National Council of and for Persons with Disabilities ( NCPD) have a number of exciting fundraising and awareness events planned over the course of each year, these events not only raise funds but also create awareness to help drive change and build an inclusive society. In the past few years including in 2020 and 2021 DiSA have promoted these Fundraising Events through our website, facebook pages and various videos that were produced. These various promotions that DiSA contributed to include:

  • Selling Casual Day Stickers through our DiSA Website and Facebook Page.
  • DiSA promoted and continue to promote Casual Day and the Nappy Run on the DiSA Website and Facebook Pages.
  • DiSA promoted Casual Day through numerous videos featured in 2020, including the Casual Day promotional video on the right, produced by the University of the Western Cape. - Catch Alan Downey from DiSA 32:28 seconds into the video.

Only through inclusive environments can some persons with disabilities take part equally in society. "An impairment is any temporary or permanent loss or abnormality of a body structure or function, whether physical or psychological"
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) "Disability is imposed by society when a person with a physical, psychosocial, intellectual, neurological and/or sensory impairment is denied access to full participation in all aspects of life, and when society fails to uphold the rights and specific needs of individuals with impairments."

With this in mind, DiSA aim to make it a priority to create awareness for the creation of inclusive environments, from the 3rd of November to the 3rd of December, we celebrate Disability Rights Awareness Month, with the 3rd of December celebrated as National Disability Rights Awareness Day in South Africa. As South Africa’s premium and free disability information portal, we at DiSA believe that we should create awareness of disability issues all year round, not only one month of the year. To help drive this awareness, we plan to officially launch our Accessible Cities South African Platform and partnership with NCPD during the month of November 2021, whereby we promote their services that they supply and the importance of creating accessible environments.

Through the partnership between DiSA and NCPD, DiSA pledge to continue to promote NCPD and the services that they supply to companies and individuals who contact us needing assistance, as well as through interviews and webinars, whereby we highlight the various benefits of employing persons with disabilities and in collaboration with NCPD and other Access Warriors, identify how companies and employers can go about creating environments in which the employee can succeed, while also benefiting the company, other employees, as well as the community at large.

Accessible environments are so much more than just a ramp, only through the services that organisations such as NCPD provide, can we truly create more opportunities for persons with disabilities to succeed, which ultimately changes peoples perceptions of persons with disabilities. Creating access to venues, environments, information, products and services, enable persons with disabilities to break free of their barriers and comfort zones and experience success. No company, organisation or person is an island, we all need to work together to promote real change for this to happen - This is our goal as Access Warriors!

Contact DiSA

If you, your Company, Organisation, School or Sports Club require any assistance with regards to any of the services listed above, or would like to support DiSA and other Access Warriors in their journey to "Lighting the way to an Inclusive Society", please contact Alan Downey on Email:, Cell: 084 504 9176 or preferably via the Contact Form below.
