Yes To Access is an online reporting platform, created by Disability info South Africa (DiSA), to acknowledge persons with disabilities’ civil right to equal and fair access and facilitating a Disability Discrimination Complaint (DDC) by inviting anyone in society to voluntary Identify and Report on all forms of Barriers to Access and acts of Disability Discrimination.
Yes to Access (YTA) is the 2nd of the 4 pillars which fall under the DiSA Umbrella. Through the YTA platform that has been created we aim to Identify "Barriers to Access", so that we can report on these barriers and find solutions to remove them thus ensuring that South Africa becomes truly Accessible to all persons with disabilities.
Disability info South Africa (DiSA), supplies a “Free One - Stop Information Service” for and about persons with disabilities. DiSA was started in 2015 by Alan Downey and supplies a support service and easy access to essential information and contact details of suppliers and service providers which can assist and cater for persons with disabilities.
Having access to these services is a basic human right and is the first step towards creating an inclusive South Africa, where no person is excluded or discriminated against and everyone is aware of their rights and what services, organizations and products are available to assist them.”
As South Africa’s Premium and Free Disability Information Portal DiSA has identified an urgent need to not only Inform persons with disabilities on what services and products are available to assist them through our Information Desk, but to also Identify and log barriers to access through our Yes to Access - platform and then Address and remove these inequalities, discrimination and barriers through our Accessible Cities-South Africa (AC-SA) platform. Via our DiSA’s News Network (DNN), DiSA will Empower all persons with disabilities to live their lives to the fullest potential and then celebrate their achievements.
Barriers to Equal, Dignified Access
“Persons with disabilities have an equal right to live in the community, with choices equal to others. This requires that government, across all three spheres, take effective and appropriate measures to facilitate full enjoyment by persons with disabilities of this right and their full inclusion and participation in the community.”
Disability Discrimination
“Discrimination on the basis of disability means any distinction, exclusion or restriction of persons on the basis of disability, which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal basis with others, on all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil, or any other field.
It encompasses all forms of unfair discrimination, whether direct or indirect, including denial of reasonable accommodation.”
- White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2015)
Why is it necessary to identify and report Disability Discrimination?
Across society, people’s lack of knowledge about and their attitudes and behaviour towards the rights and needs of persons with disabilities are the greatest barriers to access for equal participation and living a dignified, fulfilled and meaningful life...a life worth living for, plain and simple.
Equal, Dignified and Non-Discriminatory Access is a basic human need & civil right under the Constitution of South Africa (1996) and along with:
- The Employment Equity Act;
- The White Paper on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2015);
- The Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act of 2002 (PEPUDA or “Equality Act”)
forms the basis of the rights of people with disabilities and protects all its citizens from discrimination.
The objective is to Educate and Advocate Inclusive Access by:
- inviting civil society and business owners alike, to join our campaign and
- participating voluntarily and pro-actively to help break down these barriers to
- create an all-inclusive and accessible living environment in South Africa.
With a willing, positive and caring attitude to enable change, We Are Stronger Together when we:
- Identify and report the injustice and continue to;
- Break down the physical, attitudinal and behavioural barriers to access to;
- Enable inclusive, equitable and dignified access for all.
Who can complain & When is the right time
Anybody, at Any Time can report Any act or form of disability discrimination.
The unfair treatment of persons with disabilities may relate, but not limited to, people, buildings, outdoor spaces, facilities, products, services and or information.
You are invited to lodge a Disability Discrimination Complaint (DDC) via our website as follows:
How do I lodge a DDC?
- Complete the Complaint Form by clicking on the link or DDC button below and submit it.
- Select the relative button below to read the information provided and;
- Return to this page to complete and submit the form.
What will happen next?
- Once the complaint form is submitted you will receive an automated response and reference number to acknowledge your complaint.
- The person or organisation being implicated will be contacted within 48 hours and invited to respond to the alleged complaint within 7 days.
- DiSA will track and follow up on the complaint and report back on the progress.
- All complaints will be received, logged and stored.for easy reference.
The sensitivity and confidentiality of all personal information will be respected and protected.
The following selection of incident buttons are available to identify and report a possible Disability Discrimination Complaint (DDC)
Please feel free to contact Yes To Access if you have any queries or would like to support this service. You can contact us on:
- Alan