Card, Video, Puzzles & Board Games
Contents: To jump to the topic you would like, click on the links below
- Introduction
- Benefits of playing Card, Video & Board Games
- Card Games
- Video Games
- Board Games & Puzzles
- References
Building Puzzles, playing cards, video or board games are all hobbies that can be enjoyed despite having a Hearing Impairment or being Deaf. There are a wide range of different types of cards, board & video games for all ages and many are suitable for people, who are Deaf, or have a Hearing Impairment. Some games are more suitable for some people, who have a Hearing Impairment, but can still hear, while many other games do not require hearing, or even much verbal communication. but you should be able to find some games that you will be able to play and that you will enjoy.
There are many different types of games available, including games that you can play in big groups, or with just two people. Some games can even be played by an individual person. Many of these games are very easy to learn, and are also very cheaply priced. In many instances, your disability will not affect how well you play, so you can play against disabled or able bodied opponents. Some of these games might require the assistance of assistive devices, or someone to guide or assist you, but most of these games are still possible and enjoyable.
Benefits of playing Card, Video & Board Games
Playing card, video or board games offer a lot more than just entertainment. In fact, these games beneficially impact health in multiple aspects at any age. Some of the benefits, include:
- keeping your mind active and healthy
- Improving general knowledge, spelling and rememberng skills
- Bringing people together and encourages laughter. Laughing has been shown to increase endorphins, which bring up the feeling of happiness. Sharing laughter and fun can promote empathy, compassion and trust with others.
- Therapy treatment: Many board games require the use of fine motor skills to pick up or move pieces, actions that take both coordination and dexterity. Regular practice and activity improve these basic skills, which is important for children, people with mental or physical disabilities, the elderly and those recovering from accidents. Board games are very helpful when they are added to occupational therapy treatments, as well in places like classrooms for special needs to help improve muscle and nerve function over time.
- spending quality time with family and friends. Playing a board game after a family dinner is an excellent way to get closer to your family, while strengthening your family bond.
- Memory formation and cognitive skills: Allowing your kids to play a board game helps them practice essential cognitive skills, like problem solving. Board games help the brain retain and build cognitive associations well into old age too.
- Reduces risks for mental diseases: One of the primary benefits of playing board games is reducing the risk of cognitive decline, such as that associated with dementia and Alzheimer’s. Keeping your mind engaged means you are exercising it and building it stronger. A stronger brain has lower risks of losing its power.
- Lowers blood pressure: Along with laughing and increasing your endorphins, they can help you lower or maintain your blood pressure. This release of endorphins help muscles to relax and blood to circulate, which evidently will lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure is associated with greater risk of artery damage, heart disease and stroke.
- Speed up you responses: Scientists at the University of Toronto in Canada assessed two groups’ ability to search for and find an object; their results showed that study participants who regularly played video games were far quicker at locating the target than those who didn’t play.
- Reduce stress and helps a person to unwind: Playing a board games since it is an excellent way to kick back and relax. According to an online survey by Real Networks, Inc., it was found that 64% of respondents said they play games as a way to unwind and relax and 53% play for stress relief.
- Grows your immune system: Research has shown that negativity, depression and stress can reduce your ability to fight disease. Positive feelings and thoughts, like the laughter and enjoyment that always comes with board games, prevents these effects by releasing some chemicals that fight stress and boost your immune system.
- Child development: Board games play a very important role in child health and brain development. Board games help children develop logic and reasoning skills, improve critical thinking and boost spatial reasoning. Encouraging children to play different types of board games can also increase verbal and communication skills, while helping develop attention skills and the ability to concentrate and focus for longer periods of time.
There are a wide variety of different types of card games. Playing cards offers pleasure and social enjoyment. A game of cards is a way of entertaining yourself in a group or on your own, and it is one of the most popular indoor activities for people to participate in. It is also a form of entertainment that will not cost you anything, however some people enjoy playing Poker and other card games online or at a Casino, for both entertainment and money. Some people also organise card games between friends, and bet money, just to add to the fun.
Card games are appropriate form of entertainment for both children and adults, as well as those with Intellectual Impairments that have a lower than normal I.Q.
Card games are appropriate for children, include:
- Crazy Eights. Crazy eights is a favorite game for many children.
- 31 is a fast and very easy card game to play with kids.
- Rummy.
- Snap.
- Chase the Ace.
- Go Fish.
Visit Do2Learn to see the rules and to find out what other card games are appropriate for children.
Card games are appropriate for individuals with a low I.Q., include:
- Golf
- Uno
Card games are appropriate for teenagers and adults, include:
- Poker
- Pay or Play
- Crazy Eights
- Spoons
Visit to see the rules and to find out what other card games are also appropriate for children and adults.
Some people with Intellectual Impairments also have Visual Impairments and have difficulty using their hands or find it difficult to pick up small things or handle them. If you have difficulty using your hands, you can sit next to the dealer. They can handle your cards and chips.
If you prefer to be independent, you can use:
- larger cards (7″ x 4.5″) these can be easier to handle and to see.
- A card holder which takes large or standard-sized cards can be useful for holding and sorting your hand.
If you are unable to play the actual versions, there are also computerised versions of Card Games. Some windows operating software comes with a variety of card games, or you can play online or download many different games for free. See to find a wide variety of these games. Many of these games can be played by yourself or against others. Online Poker is also available on a number of sites. Visit to find out where.
Video Games
If you enjoy playing other Video Games, there are a wide variety of different types of Computer or Video games that can be played by people with an Intellectual Impairment, depending on age, type of Intellectual Impairment and severity of that Intellectual Impairment.
Video Games can be played on a variety of different devices, including a Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo Wii, or on a variety of other Electronic devices like Home Computers, tablets or Cell Phones.
- Educational Games
- Sports Games
- Action Games
- Strategy Games
- Board Games
- Games that can exert you physically
- And many more
Many of the games that are made for Electronic devices, such as Home Computers, tablets or Cell Phones, can often be played online for free, on sites such as or can be downloaded for free on sites such as:
Alternatively some can be hired from some Video Shops, or be bought online or at shops, fairly cheaply, while others can be quite expensive, depending on the type of games you are looking for.
Game Controllers
Some individuals who play games on their PC, use special game controllers, to better play and enjoy the game. Devices like an Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Wii, are bought with Game Controllers.
A game controller is a device used with games or entertainment systems to provide input to a video game, typically to control an object or character in the game. A controller is usually connected to a game console or computer by means of a wire or cord, although, since the mid-2000s, wireless controllers have become widespread. Input devices that have been classified as game controllers include keyboards, mice, gamepads, joysticks, etc. Special purpose devices, such as steering wheels for driving games and light guns for shooting games, are also game controllers.
Game controllers have been designed and improved over the years to be as user friendly as possible. Some controllers are designed to be deliberately best for one type of game, such as steering wheels for driving games, or dance pads for dancing games.
Video Games that use Game Controllers can be categorized as:
- games not specifically designed to be accessible (mainstream video games)
- games specifically designed to be accessible (one switch games).
Mainstream Video Games
Many mainstream video games are more or less accessible for gamers with a disability that effects movements and quick reactions, usually using special hardware. The most advanced hardware interfaces are mouth-controllers and head- or eye-trackers. Besides these controllers, alternative switch interfaces are used, which enable larger buttons or (custom) grouped buttons.
One Switch Games
For gamers with a disability that effects movements and quick reactions, the number of controls might be limited to just one or two buttons. There are games specifically designed to be played with just one button. These games are often referred to as “one-switch”-games or “single-switch”-games. Many early arcade games actually used only a few buttons but as games grew more complex, the number of controls increased. Unfortunately there are no guidelines for designing game accessibility for gamers with a disability that effects movements and quick reactions, but Remappable button configuration is one way to make games more accessible is to give gamers the option to remap their controls. One-handed gamers or individuals with more controll in one hand, for example will be able to re-configurate the buttons to their liking, putting the buttons more used closer than others. To view other types of Game Controllers. view: Game Controllers
Board games & Puzzles
If you enjoy Board games & Puzzles, there are a wide range of games and puzzles, with varying difficulties, some are suitable for some people with Intellectual Impairments, depending on the type of Intellectual Impairment, however each person is different, so some people with Down Syndrome, might be able to play Monopoly, with some help, while others will not be able to. Some have
been adapted to enable disabled people to also be able to enjoy them, including a wide variety of different types of Intellectual Impairments. Some games may be brighter, more tactile or have larger print than standard games, so that partially sighted people can enjoy them to. Some include Braille for those who are Blind. Examples of Board Games include:
- Checkers
- Drafts
- Chess
- Monopoly
- Scrabble
Games like Chess are available as computer games, if you prefer, or if you are unable to play the original version.
There is a wide range of board games available to buy at shops like Checkers, or on sites like:
Some of these games cost around R650.00, depending on the game. (at the time of writing this article). This might sound expensive, but is not really, when you think of how many hours of fun you can have.
Puzzles can also be enjoyable and offer many benefits. There are a wide range of different types of puzzles, with varying difficulties, some are suitable for some people with Intellectual Impairments, who have Developmental Disabilities like Down Syndrome & Autism, depending on the severity of the Impairment, each person is different. The puzzles with larger and fewer pieces are generally easier and more appropriate for younger children and individuals whose I.Q. is effected by their Intellectual Impairment. The bigger pieces are also easier to pick up and work with, if your Fine motor skills (hand and finger movement) is effected. These types of puzzles are also ideal for the elderly, who suffer from Dementia, etc. In those cases, activities like building these puzzles are a useful form of therapy, to improve your Fine motor skills. Partially sighted people can enjoy these puzzles to. Puzzles can be bought at some bookshops, or places like Checkers, or online at sites like:
Whatever you choose, whether it is Puzzles, Cards, Video or Board games, there is is something that you should be able to play, that is relatively inexpensive, good fun & also a form of physical & Mental Therapy.