Disability Defamation
Disability Defamation, Discrimination and Harassment occurs anywhere and anytime, when a person with a disability is being treated unfairly, humiliated, insulted and intimidated or place at risk to injury.
The absence or denial of assistive devices in many public areas, e.g. education, employment and getting and using services, impacts on the ability of persons with physical, hearing, vision and intellectual impairments to be able to move, communicate and or participate in public life.
- Humiliating / discriminatory / undignified / offensive behavior
- Equitable and dignified Access
- Direct & Indirect discrimination (including carers, friends and relatives of people with disabilities)
- Assistive technology & devices
- Information, communication, navigation, wayfinding and orientation
- Continuous loud noise / bright or continuous flickering light
If you believe that you have been discriminated against through Disability Defamation, please feel free to fill out and submit our Disability Discrimination Complaint (DDC) Form, which we will review, then take to the relevant authororities.
You can also read the information and follow the links below the form to find out more about Disability Equity & Sensitization Training and the companies and organisations that provide this traning in South Africa.
Disability Equity & Sensitization Training
Many public and private sector bodies have gradually realised that their work practices and policies fall far short of fulfilling the needs, rights and aspirations of persons with disabilities who are their clients, customers and co-workers and that, in order to change this situation, they need to turn to persons with disabilities for education and guidance. From this realisation has grown the demand for Disability Equality Training (DET) run by persons with disabilities, which aims to help people understand the meaning of disability, identify changes in work practice, and plan strategies to implement change.
Disability Equality Training courses have been organised and run by persons with disabilities and various organizations to address the need for information about reality of disability. A DET course will enable participants to identify and address discriminatory forms of practice towards disabled people. Through training they will find ways to challenge the organisational behaviour which reinforces negative myths and values and which prevents persons with disabilities from gaining equality and achieving full participation in society.
There are various Companies and Organizations who offer these Disability Equality Training courses and workshops, they include: