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  Inclusive Design

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In August 2021, Inclusive Design became the 1st company to come on board and join our "Accessible Cities South Africa (AC - SA)" platform, thereby setting a trend for other companies to follow suite and work with us to promote accessibility and inclusivity in South Africa. DiSA would like to congratulate and thank Inclusive Design for joining  our "Accessible Cities South Africa (AC - SA) " platform and for becoming an "Access Warrior". DiSA would like to congratulate and thank Inclusive Design for joining our "Accessible Cities South Africa (AC - SA) " platform and for becoming an "Access Warrior" and for then renewing their Membership in 2022.Inclusive Design - Access Warrior Badge - 2022

Inclusive Design is a company founded on the fundamentals of the South African Constitution and aims to serve as a driver of social inclusion and for positive and effective change in the lives of people with diverse human needs. Our philosophy is guided by individual and shared needs of people and not that of special needs. Universal Design serves as a means in which to create and enhance the functionality of environments, services and products, for the widest range of users, recognizing diversity of the human condition and the importance of awareness raising and the dissemination of information on diversity and inclusion as an integral deliverable to achieve Universal Access and improving lives.

Inclusive Design also serves as a mechanism to audit, review, design, create and advise on adaptations and/or enhancements for the functionality of environments, transport, technology, education, services, operations and products for all users, to accommodate the full spectrum of human diversity. Inclusive Design specialises in providing practical, sensible advice on issues relating to Universal Access and works on the premise that environments, services and facilities that are accessible to persons with disabilities are equitable in the eyes of the law, makes business sense, as well as being easier and more comfortable for all users, irrespective of their functional requirements.

In August 2020, Inclusive Design joined Disability info South Africa (DiSA) and became an active member, by not only assisting us with various queries that came via the DiSA website regarding Universal Access Design, but also supporting us financially through the membership that they purchased from us in 2020 and then renewed in August 2021 & 2022. Joining our Accessible Cities platform, Inclusive Design has shown their commitment to work together as "Access Warriors" to create inclusive environments, removing barriers one step at a time and converting our current environments into Accessible Cities for All."

Inclusive Design & DiSA Partnership

Disability info South Africa (DiSA) was started in 2015 by Alan Downey when he realised that there was still an urgent need for a free information service to assist and support persons with disabilities and their families. Through the support over the years from various organisations, companies and clubs such as Inclusive Design, we have been able to create a link between persons with disabilities and the companies, clubs and organizations that are available to assist them. More recently, DiSA has identified a need to become more than an Information and Support Service but also provide platforms to help Identify, Address and Remove barriers to an inclusive, accessible South Africa. By creating a link with other reputable like minded companies clubs and organizations, we aim to create a better accessible future for all.

With this in mind, we have approached various current members of DiSA, including Inclusive Design who was excited to join us and other Access Warriors in this journey to "Light a way to an Inclusive Society!" With assistance from all Access Warriors who have joined our Accessible Cities South Africa (AC-SA) platform, we aim to become a stronger force working together to help break down barriers, creating a level playing field - to enable all persons with disabilities to participate equally in society.

Inclusive Design are Universal Access Consultants which offer a variety of Services to assist persons with disabilities to become active members of society. By listing there service below and promoting them through our AC-SA platform with other Access Warrior - Service Providers and their services that they provide, we aim to ensure that all the pieces of the puzzle are in place to provide a complete Accessible Solution. Please read the information below to find out more about the services that Inclusive Design can provide and contact us through the contact form below, should you require any assistance.

Inclusive Design

Inclusive Design is a company founded on the fundamentals of the South African Constitution and aims to serve as a driver of social inclusion for positive and effective change in the lives of people with diverse human needs. Our philosophy is guided by individual and shared needs of people and not that of special needs. Universal Design serves as a means in which to create and enhance the functionality of environments, services and products, for the widest range of users, recognizing diversity of the human condition. Inclusive Design as a company, recognises the importance of awareness raising and the dissemination of information on diversity and inclusion as an integral deliverable to achieve Universal Access and improving lives.Inclusive Design

What We Do

Inclusive Design serves as a mechanism to audit, review, design, create and advise on adaptations and/or enhancements for the functionality of environments, transport, technology, education, services and operations, and products for all users, to accommodate the full spectrum of human diversity. Inclusive Design specialises in providing practical, sensible advice on issues relating to Universal Access and works on the premise that environments, services and facilities that are accessible to people with disabilities are equitable in the eyes of the law, makes business sense, as well as being easier and more comfortable for all users, irrespective of their functional requirements.

Business Concept

Inclusive Design works with clients to find viable, feasible means of incorporating universal design into their environments, services, facilities and products. In a field of consulting where amateurs are rife and claim expertise, Inclusive Design has gone to great lengths to prove their competency on an international level. Headed by a consultant who is the highest certified Universal Access Consultant in South Africa, as verified by IAAP (International Association of Access Professionals) and with a plenary of examples and experience, Inclusive Design delivers, on time with exceptionally detailed results and recommendations. We put effort into making reports and findings legible, easy to understand and implementable to enable clients to positively affect change to becoming universally accessible and inclusive.

Inclusive Design

Image Courtesy of Inclusive Design

Universal Access Consulting

Universal Access Consulting serves to advise clients on the options, requirements and areas where Universal Access can and should be achieved. With experience and knowledge of both South African building regulations for Persons with Disabilities, supporting equality legislation and international access requirements, Inclusive Design makes for the perfect collaborator to achieve Universal Access. Our consulting services serve to impart knowledge with clients on aspects, features and implementation of Universal Access to increase awareness of the requirements of people with disabilities as well as the broader range of beneficiaries including, pregnant women, people with young children, elderly people and people with temporary disabilities or recovering from surgery.

As part of our consulting services we also offer specific research, skills transfer and mentorship related to Universal Access and assist our clients wherever possible to progress towards a viable, feasible and desirable means of implementation to achieve equality. In line with the social model of disability, our emphasis has shifted away from the concept of being ‘disability’ focused, to that of being focused on ‘Universal Access’, which acknowledges that the benefit thereof goes beyond the classification of people with disabilities. Universal Access Consulting can take place in numerous fields, including:

  • built environment (architecture and planning)
  • systems, services and operations
  • marketing, communication and information sharing (online, print media and presentations)
  • transport and all associated and supporting infrastructure and systems
  • Policy development, reviews and updates

Universal Access Auditing

Universal Access Consulting

Image Courtesy of Inclusive Design

Universal Access Auditing is the examination or inspection of various aspects of the environment, service, facility or product to determine compliance with local and/or international requirements. Audits are conducted through physical inspection and are followed by reports to indicate short-falls, areas of improvement and areas of non-compliance. Universal Access Auditing is largely conducted in the built environment in South Africa, where SANS 10400 Part S (2011): Facilities for Persons with Disabilities is the deem to satisfy requirement, which is supplemented with ISO21542 in areas where more details are required or environments which are more specialised. This process is detailed, and the audit is conducted meticulously and often includes discussions with users of the facility regarding usability, which leads to a custom report with bespoke recommendations for both built infrastructure and operations.

Inclusive Design also offers companies an advantage through a proprietary Universal Access Application™ which enables large areas of the built environment to be audited in a systematic, accurate, thorough and detailed process (for example: a campus). Saving clients time and money as the UA App captures vast amounts of data, with measurements, photo evidence and SANS 10400 Part S (2011) compliance in an easy to read, tabulated format, in a matter of days. This process conventionally takes a vast number of human hours to capture, process and write-up by a highly experience UA Auditor, but with the Universal Access App™ it is simplified, quickened, accurate and unbiased.

Universal Access Auditing can take place in numerous fields, including:

  • built environment (architecture and planning)- with the UA App™
  • systems, services and operation
  • marketing, communication and information sharing (online, print media and presentations)
  • transport and all associated and supporting infrastructure and system
  • policy and implementation plans

Universal Access Awareness

Universal Access Audits & Reviews

Image Courtesy of Inclusive Design

The Great Father of our Nation, Nelson Mandela said that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” It is our belief, at Inclusive Design, that by teaching principles of good design, that we can make a significant impact upon our society. It is therefore always a recommended deliverable in our work to transfer skills and educate others on Universal Design and Universal Access. The capacitation of more people with the knowledge and understanding of the value that inclusive design offers to staff, clients and society, is part of our vision and what we strive to achieve. What we term Universal Access Awareness, can be customised to the clients’ needs, and can vary from an introductory presentation to an in-depth training session on specific aspects. Universal Access cannot be achieved without at least the basic understanding of the paradigm that leads to equality.

Disability Awareness Training & Disability Specific Monitoring and Evaluation

Inclusive Design also offer Disability Awareness Training or Sensitisation Training and Disability Specific Monitoring and Evaluation (Qualified M and E services).

Business Competitiveness

Universal Access is a broad concept that requires understanding, application, implementation, experience and governance around various sectors, such as the built environment, services, facilities, transport, technology, regulations and more. Inclusive Design has explicit experience in Policy, Guideline and Framework writing and advising, Technical Requirement writing, Implementation Plans, Onsite Auditing, Plan Drawing Auditing, Architectural and Planning Consulting, Auditing and Consulting in the realms of Transport, Marketing and Communication, and Training. Inclusive Design is not focused on a specific area of disability, and therefore offer holistic recommendations in order to accommodate a spectrum of users, irrespective of their abilities. Inclusive Design practice good business principles, deliver on time, communicate directly with clients, and offer superior project deliverables.

Contact Inclusive Design

Inclusive Design is based in Cape Town but can assist you anywhere in South Africa, if you have any questions or comments, or would like to contact Inclusive Design for assistance, please feel free to contact us on Tel: +27 72 027 3623 or Email: Cape Town (HQ) ● Pretoria (Administration), or visit our website at:

Current and Future Plans

Only through inclusive environments can most persons with disabilities take part equally in society. "An impairment is any temporary or permanent loss or abnormality of a body structure or function, whether physical or psychological." According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) "Disability is imposed by society when a person with a physical, psychosocial, intellectual, neurological and/or sensory impairment is denied access to full participation in all aspects of life, and when society fails to uphold the rights and specific needs of individuals with impairments."

With this in mind, DiSA has made it a priority to not only create easy access to information through our One-Stop Information Service, but also promote access to the environment for persons with disabilities, through our Accessible Cities Platform and DNN. On the 3rd of November to the 3rd of December, we celebrate Disability Rights Awareness Month, with the 3rd of December celebrated as National Disability Rights Awareness Day in South Africa.

As South Africa’s premium and free disability information portal, DiSA took part in various interviews and awareness campaigns in 2022, whereby we promoted the need to create more accessible environments by involving Universal Access Consultants such as Inclusive Design in all projects, whether buildings and the environment are being altered or designed and built from scratch. (Check out our interviews @ DiSA on Air)

Through the partnership between DiSA and Inclusive Design, DiSA continue to promote Inclusive Design and their services that they supply to companies and individuals who contact us needing assistance, as well as through interviews, videos and webinars, whereby we highlight the need and benefits of creating accessible environments by using Universal Access Consultants, so that persons with disabilities are not excluded from society.

In 2022, DiSA in collaboration with Inclusive Design and Colette Fransolet produced a short video about Access and Universal Access Consultants, how they differ from architects and why it is essential that Universal Access Consultants are involved from design phase in development

of new projects and buildings and also when altering older buildings or the environment.

2022 Has been an eventful year in Access for DiSA:

  • DiSA was asked to join the "Health, Safety, Public Protection and Universal Access Transformation Collaborative Committee" (HSPPUA TCC) to provide feedback on issues faced by persons with disabilities with regards to the Built Environment.
  • DiSA was also given the opportunity to give a presentation on our organisation, the services that we provide and some of the difficulties that persons with disabilities face on a daily bases. - DiSA Introduction: 4 Pillars.
  • The HSPPUA TCC setup a meeting with management of the 3 Arts Village - Cape Town, which had been built in 2021 but was not accessible to various persons with disabilities.
  • After various emails and complaints were sent through, a meeting between Mr Menigo and DiSA was set-up f0r the 2nd of September 2022, and DiSA invited Colette Fransolet from Inclusive Design to join the meeting and advise Mr Menigo on possible solutions.
  • Mr Menigo is the chief operating officer and development manager at Rapfund, - 3 Arts Village.
  • Previously on the 2nd of August 2022, DiSA invited Colette Fransolet from Inclusive Design to do a walk-around of  3 Arts Village, to get her opinion.
  • Through the meeting on the 2nd of September, various changes were made to 3 Arts Village in November 2022, to make it more accessible.
  • Unfortunately not all suggestions on changes were implemented, however the changes that have been made has improved the situation.

Going forward into 2023, we aim to continue to push for further changes at the 3 Arts Village, to make it more accessible and work with Access Warriors such as Colette Fransolet from Inclusive Design to tackle other "Barriers to Access", one barrier at3 Arts Village Changes a time, while continuing to raise awareness for the use of Universal Access Consultants such as Inclusive Design to ensure that environments become truly accessible, creating more opportunities for persons with disabilities to succeed, which ultimately changes peoples perceptions of persons with disabilities.

Creating access to venues, environments, information, products and services, levels the playing fields for persons with disabilities and assists them to break free of their barriers and experience success.

No company, organisation or person is an island, we all need to work together to promote real change for this to happen - This is our goal as Access Warriors!

Contact DiSA

If you, your Company, Organisation, School or Sports Club require any assistance with regards to any of the services listed above, or would like to support DiSA and other Access Warriors in their journey to "Lighting the way to an Inclusive Society", please contact Alan Downey on Email:, Cell: 084 504 9176 or preferably via the Contact Form below.


Accessible Cities South Africa (AC - SA)
Inclusive Design